Saturday, November 20, 2004


I saw a great movie last night, ((((( SUPER SIZE ME ))))) A FILM OF EPIC PORTIONS.
A friend of mine told me about it but I forgot it until Glitzy rented it.
Its about a man that decided to only eat McDonalds for 30 days and, with three doctors, track the effects it has on his body. He documents the experiment on film along with interviews he has with doctors, nutritionists, and lawyers.
Along the way he discusses the idea of who is responsible for the obesity problem in the US. The movie idea came about when he saw the news report a few years ago about the two girls that were suing McDonalds because of their poor health and obesity. The idea that a fast food chain is responsible for these girls health is a joke. Don't get me wrong, I do think that the food the fast foods chains serve is junk. They know how bad the food they serve is and they are responsible for the advertising they do that targets children. However, their actions to not absolve the responsibility of the parents for their own decisions. Any person over the age of 15 knows that the food served at these places is bad for you. These girls problems are do to their own actions and the decisions made by their parents.
I lived through the ages of ever increasing advertising targeted at children. My parents taught me to eat well and how to make decisions that were not based on flashy, superficial, ad campaigns. I do eat at fast food restaurants but I don’t eat there so often as to cause me to have health problems.
There is an interesting point that is brought up in the extra features on the DVD. The food that is served at these places is not natural in any fashion. Every taste/flavor is created using chemicals, not from the combination of the base items (hamburger, mustard, bread, etc). So, why is the food so bad for you? If they are going to spend their time (weeks, months, years) designing and testing these foods, why not create healthy versions of them. They don’t have to try and replace any of the current foods but why not create new items and put the same advertising behind the new items.
BTW, the salads that they have introduced are not good for you. They have the same amount of fat and sugar as a Big Mac.

This movie is something that everyone should see that has ever eaten at a fast food restaurant more than once a month. If you are currently eating fast food, this movie with make you rethink your eating habits.
If you are ever thinking of trying fast food this movie would be good to watch first.

This isn’t a movie of fear. It’s a movie of knowledge. With more information you can make better decisions.
I know that any habit is difficult to change. If this movie makes you decrease your consumption of fast food by only 5% you will send a strong message to the fast food chains to alter their menu and improve your health at the same time.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Times a' wastin

I find that I rarely accomplish anything. At least lately.
Work leaves me no room for accomplishments. It’s a constant struggle to just get through the day. I find that I have many answers for other people in order for them to finish what they need to do but I do not achieve any of my own goals. Much of my day goes to fixing things that other people have broken or performing mundane tasks that many other people could have done.
I have been told that some of the things I do, would not have been possible without me. But that is no consolation.
My problem is that I can fix almost anything. I have the ability to walk into a situation and use my troubleshooting skills to solve the problem. This is a problem when you work in an environment that is constantly breaking down because of bad planning/design.
I would like to have the time to fix the reoccurring issues that I find, but there is no time. Hence the lack of accomplishing the things I want to do.
To add to that, I had planned that by this time in my life I would have started the process for constructing my own Dome Home.
That vein has proved difficult to mine. I feel that much of what I do, day to day, is a sham. I am wasting my time performing menial tasks waiting for that ‘one thing’ to happen that will act as a catalyst for action.
I spend my time like a hamster in a wheel. Simply running, getting nowhere, rather than thinking of what I have to do to get back on track.
So, what am I avoiding? Good question. Hmmmmmm…

Sunday, November 14, 2004


Today is all about monkeys.

I just wanted to have a day where nothing but the monkey matters.
We start with Cheeky Monkey. It's a great monkey place to visit if you are in the area. The monkey people there are nice and the items they offer are of monkey quality.
My monkey thoughts all started when watching Family Guy reruns on Adult Swim. Of course, by then I had been up for the last 20 hours or more but that doesn't matter. Lack of sleep never put me into another state of mind.
Chris mentioned that he had an Evil Monkey living in his closet that was out to get him. No one believes him.... they never believe you, do they?
I think that if I am lucky I can stay in my current frame of being where nothing is important but monkeys. Forget John Lennon and his Imagine. Instead, I challenge you to imagine a world where monkeys are the all consuming thought.
Lastly I want to point out Hamstergeddon (cower in fear).
It is here that we are given reference to Anger Monkey.
     Zim: "What'ya watching?"
     Gir: "Anger Monkey."
     Zim: "That..... horrible monkey!"
     Gir: "Mmmm Hmmmm"

But in an earlier episode we are told that the show is Scary Monkey.
We can only hope that they are two separate shows that both will live on forever to fill our lives with monkey joy.
Remember: Spend some time every day just monkeying around. Preferably at work or out in a public place where society expects you to be prim and proper.
In a courtroom... or a wedding.... or at a funeral.
Why not? Most people are already in 'monkey suits' there anyway. Just help them understand their place... beneath the Monkey.

This post is not endorsed by the Monkees, Planet of the Apes, or Clyde

Monday, November 08, 2004

"Living the life of Mr Bean on Farscape"

That is the title of my life lately.
What would your life be like if you were the character Mr Bean and you happened to live in the Farscape universe?

Mr Bean = A man that tries to live his life as well as he can. At his best, no matter what he does, everything goes to hell.
Farscape = A universe that epitomizes Murphy's Law: "If anything can go wrong, it will".

So... (Mr. Bean) x (Farscape) = Black Hole of Pain

... well maybe just a gray pit of extreme annoyance and frustration.

How much effort should you put into a project when you know that there can be only two eventual outcomes?
A. The project is completed through repeated heroic efforts. Your health and personal life are a shambles. No one recognizes the blood and sweat you've invested. When it comes time for compensation (raises, promotions, bonuses, etc) you are forgotten. Or worse yet, they recognize what you have done but do not care to compensate you for it.
B. You let the project die. Allow it collapse in on itself; like a dying star. Refuse to sacrifice* yourself. Ignore the actions of those 'in charge' that drag it down to a watery grave. If that happens, you are used as a scapegoat and either relieved of your job or you are given a 'black mark' on your record that they never seem to forget.

So, I spend my day trying to finish a few simple tasks and I find exasperation at every turn. A day when you wish that some of your coworkers were not on the same project as you are because the best thing their incompetence can produce is more work for you.
If not for the help of some I think that I would have grabbed my red stapler, introduced an incendiary device to the environment, and taken a trip to the beach a long time ago.

*Sacrifice for any reason, on any level is evil and wrong but that is another post.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Its now official... sorta

My job of Computer Technician has now gained the accolades it deserves.
It is now listed amongst the elite of the worst jobs in science.
November 2004 - Popular Science

It has been recognized that it causes the same level of revulsion as:

Anal-Wart Researcher
Tampon Squeezer

Public-School Science Teacher

I am now able to die happy.

(note: I am actually a Sr. System Engineer but the relationship of computer tech to my job makes the comparison valid. Of all jobs I think that a teacher is the least appreciated job of all. Remember, if you can read this, thank a teacher.)

The effect of ~~Glitzier Numerary~~

To see how I relate to Glitzier I took an online test today and here are my results:

Main Type
Overall Self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

Enneagram Test Results
Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||| 46%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||| 42%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||| 30%
Type 4 Hypersensitivity |||||||||||| 46%
Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||| 50%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||||||| 62%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||| 54%
Your main type is 5
Your variant is self pres
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

These results are vague of course but raise an interesting question. What is an aggressively detached person anyway?
The aggression implies activity.
The detachment leads one to think that I don't interact with the world as the common man views it.
How do you aggressively work to maintain a detached demeanor without looking like a seven year old child, covering his ears and screaming "I don't hear you!", repeatedly?

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

... my first post