Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Times a' wastin

I find that I rarely accomplish anything. At least lately.
Work leaves me no room for accomplishments. It’s a constant struggle to just get through the day. I find that I have many answers for other people in order for them to finish what they need to do but I do not achieve any of my own goals. Much of my day goes to fixing things that other people have broken or performing mundane tasks that many other people could have done.
I have been told that some of the things I do, would not have been possible without me. But that is no consolation.
My problem is that I can fix almost anything. I have the ability to walk into a situation and use my troubleshooting skills to solve the problem. This is a problem when you work in an environment that is constantly breaking down because of bad planning/design.
I would like to have the time to fix the reoccurring issues that I find, but there is no time. Hence the lack of accomplishing the things I want to do.
To add to that, I had planned that by this time in my life I would have started the process for constructing my own Dome Home.
That vein has proved difficult to mine. I feel that much of what I do, day to day, is a sham. I am wasting my time performing menial tasks waiting for that ‘one thing’ to happen that will act as a catalyst for action.
I spend my time like a hamster in a wheel. Simply running, getting nowhere, rather than thinking of what I have to do to get back on track.
So, what am I avoiding? Good question. Hmmmmmm…


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