Sunday, November 14, 2004


Today is all about monkeys.

I just wanted to have a day where nothing but the monkey matters.
We start with Cheeky Monkey. It's a great monkey place to visit if you are in the area. The monkey people there are nice and the items they offer are of monkey quality.
My monkey thoughts all started when watching Family Guy reruns on Adult Swim. Of course, by then I had been up for the last 20 hours or more but that doesn't matter. Lack of sleep never put me into another state of mind.
Chris mentioned that he had an Evil Monkey living in his closet that was out to get him. No one believes him.... they never believe you, do they?
I think that if I am lucky I can stay in my current frame of being where nothing is important but monkeys. Forget John Lennon and his Imagine. Instead, I challenge you to imagine a world where monkeys are the all consuming thought.
Lastly I want to point out Hamstergeddon (cower in fear).
It is here that we are given reference to Anger Monkey.
     Zim: "What'ya watching?"
     Gir: "Anger Monkey."
     Zim: "That..... horrible monkey!"
     Gir: "Mmmm Hmmmm"

But in an earlier episode we are told that the show is Scary Monkey.
We can only hope that they are two separate shows that both will live on forever to fill our lives with monkey joy.
Remember: Spend some time every day just monkeying around. Preferably at work or out in a public place where society expects you to be prim and proper.
In a courtroom... or a wedding.... or at a funeral.
Why not? Most people are already in 'monkey suits' there anyway. Just help them understand their place... beneath the Monkey.

This post is not endorsed by the Monkees, Planet of the Apes, or Clyde