Monday, November 08, 2004

"Living the life of Mr Bean on Farscape"

That is the title of my life lately.
What would your life be like if you were the character Mr Bean and you happened to live in the Farscape universe?

Mr Bean = A man that tries to live his life as well as he can. At his best, no matter what he does, everything goes to hell.
Farscape = A universe that epitomizes Murphy's Law: "If anything can go wrong, it will".

So... (Mr. Bean) x (Farscape) = Black Hole of Pain

... well maybe just a gray pit of extreme annoyance and frustration.

How much effort should you put into a project when you know that there can be only two eventual outcomes?
A. The project is completed through repeated heroic efforts. Your health and personal life are a shambles. No one recognizes the blood and sweat you've invested. When it comes time for compensation (raises, promotions, bonuses, etc) you are forgotten. Or worse yet, they recognize what you have done but do not care to compensate you for it.
B. You let the project die. Allow it collapse in on itself; like a dying star. Refuse to sacrifice* yourself. Ignore the actions of those 'in charge' that drag it down to a watery grave. If that happens, you are used as a scapegoat and either relieved of your job or you are given a 'black mark' on your record that they never seem to forget.

So, I spend my day trying to finish a few simple tasks and I find exasperation at every turn. A day when you wish that some of your coworkers were not on the same project as you are because the best thing their incompetence can produce is more work for you.
If not for the help of some I think that I would have grabbed my red stapler, introduced an incendiary device to the environment, and taken a trip to the beach a long time ago.

*Sacrifice for any reason, on any level is evil and wrong but that is another post.


Blogger Glitzy said...

...and I asked for no salt...NO SALT on the margarita.....

so, does this mean when Mr. Bean tries to play his imaginary drums, the drd called 1842 starts up with the music?

Tuesday, November 09, 2004 7:10:00 PM  
Blogger Glitzy said...

Your motto?

Saturday, November 13, 2004 2:49:00 PM  

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