Friday, April 29, 2005
Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Me... but not in ALL my glory. BTW, I am missing my lower jaw and my tongue(very dark blue) is hanging out.
Labels: Games
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
I guess YOUR god isn't as powerful as you claim
This guy, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, is the offspring of small piece of bread and the discharge of an infected bedsore.
German Cardinal Becomes Pope

“As head of the powerful Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Ratzinger disciplined dissidents”
So he helped squash anyone that spoke out against the Church because of how they handled the child molesting priests?
“...suggesting that Turkey's bid for membership in the European Union may be incompatible with European culture.
”What kind of idiot thinks that being a member of the EU (a financial collective) would require that your culture be exactly like one of the current members?
"The fact that the Lord can work and act even with insufficient means consoles me, and above all I entrust myself to your prayers," he said.
Ummm isn’t Your god 'All Powerful'? If so how can you make such an idiotic statement?
“...He followed it up with a fiery speech to the cardinals ... warning about tendencies that he considered dangers to the faith: ideologies like relativism.”
Let’s see... Let’s start with a definition of Relativism (The view that truth is relative and not absolute. Truth varies from people to people, time to time and there are no absolutes) Gee this sounds just like how the church handles its problems when it comes to crimes it has committed, from the Crusades to the sex scandals.
"Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the church is often labeled today as a fundamentalism," he said.
Which it is. The Church is just a bunch of guys sitting around spending other people's money. A religion is supposed to come from a belief in a deity. If all it takes to make a religion is a group of useless old men to make a few declarations the why wasn't David Koresh allowed to prosper?
“In his memoirs, he wrote of being enrolled in Hitler's Nazi youth movement against his will when he was 14 in 1941, when membership was compulsory. He says he was soon let out because of his studies for the priesthood.
Two years later, he was drafted into a Nazi anti-aircraft unit as a helper, a common fate for teenage boys too young to be soldiers. Enrolled as a soldier at 18, in the last months of the war, he barely finished basic training. “
EXCUSE ME! What kind of conviction in his faith is he showing here? This is the type of man you want leading the most powerfull and corrupt organization in the world? If he had any belief in the god that he 'works' for he would have refused this 'draft' and left his fate up to his god.
‘"We are certain that he will continue on the path of reconciliation between Christians and Jews that John Paul II began," said Paul Spiegel, head of Germany's main Jewish organization.’
You expect this from a man that "...urged caution in pursuing relations with other Christian denominations."
How can a man be expected to understand or reconcile anything with Jews or Muslims when he doesn't even want to speak to any of the other religions that are close to his own?
... and lastly he chose the name Benedict, which comes from the Latin for "blessing". He is not going to be a blessing to the Church or the people that follow this foolish religion. All he is doing here is trying to put a spin on the fact that he is an archaic, close-minded, overbearing, simpleton that doesn't deserve the power he has.
Note: Even though I think that all religions are foolish I do not desire to see anyone suffer under the kind of tyranny that this man will bring.
Monday, April 18, 2005
A Walk down Memory Lane
Normally when I am walking down a street in a major city I would look at the stores around me and think about what they were selling and whether or not I needed anything they had. At the very least it could be entertaining to see what they had to offer if the product was unique.
Lately I find that as I was walking down
You see, I work for a very large corporation. We can count many Fortune 500 companies as out clients, including many companies that either have a store front or advertise in
All I could think about was how we (the company I work for) has screwed almost every one of these businesses through processing flaws, incompetence, neglect and simple stupidity. As I passed by a building the 'event' that occurred when the client was 'inconvenienced' went through my mind and I kept thinking how amazing it is that we are still a functional corporation.
I must stop here because I get frustrated when I dwell on this crap too much...
Sunday, April 17, 2005
She was sitting down with a relative of mine (I believe around dinner time) and they told her that I did not use my height to my advantage enough (I'm 6'-5"). They thought that I was wasting my time trying to be suave.
I laughed when she told me this and still think its hilarious.
It wasn't until today that I think I came up with a good description of myself.
Imagine you were in an alternate universe and you met Batman, not the crap from the 60's but the Batman from the graphic novel, The Dark Night Returns. Then you found out that his 'mild-mannered' alter ego was Martin Short as Ed Grimley.
That kind of sums up how I often see myself.
Which Invader Zim character are you?

GIR // GIR is one of the most hilarious people on
the show. He's a robot and is SUPPOSED to be
helping Zim.
His quote is "Can I be a moongoose dog?"
Which Invader Zim character are you?
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
..and the chain continues
"Choose a band/artist and answer these questions only in song titles by that band/artist"
Are you male or female:
Describe yourself:
How do some people feel about you:
How do you feel about yourself:
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:
Describe where you want to be:
Describe what you want to be:
Describe how you live:
Describe how you love:
Share a few words of wisdom:
My Example - Queen
Are you male or female: The Invisible Man
Describe yourself: Innuendo
How do some people feel about you: Stone Cold Crazy
How do you feel about yourself: I'm Going Slightly Mad
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Liar
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Describe where you want to be: Khashoggi's Ship
Describe what you want to be: Cool Cat
Describe how you live: Under Pressure
Describe how you love: One Year Of Love
Share a few words of wisdom: Keep Yourself Alive
Sunday, April 03, 2005
NY City on a dime...
Well it's been a few days since we got back from NYC and I figured I'd put up a note about it.
The trip was a present to Glitzier for her birthday since she has always wanted to see the opera, Carmen.
The trip was good even though I was sick for most of it. Glitzier has a better description of the actual events. I'm just adding my 'version' here.
I took off Wed cause I didn't want to bother with work that day. I didn't actually have it off I just decided to not work that day. It was an easy day and we actually made it to the airport on time only to find the plane was delayed due to bad weather. We were one of the few flights that made it in to LaGuardia that evening.
When we got in there we were approached by a man asking if we needed a car to take us to the hotel. I agreed and we headed out. I mention this because Glitzier was concerned with getting a ride from someone that we didn't know and didn't look like they were from a major company. I didn't care for some reason and watched Glitzier as she worked to keep her calm and not yell at me while trying to determine if this guy was for real or going to take us to some abandoned warehouse and rob us.
Everything was ok and we made it to the hotel by 3am. It made for a late start the next day but we didn't have a set schedule so that was ok.
The highlight of the trip for me was being able to see the Lockheed A-12 Blackbird.

It's being housed on the deck of the decomissioned aircraft carrier USS Intrepid.
Later we had the fortune of meeting thephoenixnyc on Friday night. He's actually the first person I've met from the Internet and I've been using it since the days of the TRS-80. He's a great guy and a prime example of how nice the people in NYC are.
Unfortunately things went downhill from there. It seems that the flu that is going around at work caught up to me and hit me hard late Friday night. Based on the apparent incubation period that I've seen in the other people that have it, I caught it from a coworker that couldn't stay away while he was sick because he feels the world would end if he was not there.
Anyway, I spent all of Saturday in bed at the hotel so that I would be able to survive going to the opera.
The opera was great and we both enjoyed it. Afterwards I spent the rest of the trip in bed while Glitzier went around the town.
The plane flight back was bad. The plane was constantly changing altitude to try and find a good flight path due to the storms and the pressure in my head wouldn't clear.
In spite of everything it was a good trip for me but not as good as it could have been. The only thing I have left to do is find a way to extract the cost of the trip from my coworker.