Tuesday, December 14, 2004

It's crap like this that makes me sick...

Hollywood Sues Computer Server Operators <-- This is just disgusting.

The MPAA is saying that the operators of computer servers that help file-sharing are parasites.

"These people are parasites, leeching off the creativity of others. Their illegal conduct is brazen and blatant." said John Malcolm, head of the Motion Picture Association of America's antipiracy unit.

Here you have the MPAA (one of the largest group of leeches) attacking another group of leeches. Normally I wouldn't care since I agree that the people that steal copyrighted material are parasites. Having one group of parasites attack and hopefully destroy eachother is a great thing.

What bothers me is that they try and sell these press releases as if they were innocent of the very act they accuse the Server Operators of.

While it is true that you are robbing from the artist and recording industry whenever you steal a song or movie you are only having a negative effect on the artist.

To see how royalties are calculated check here: HOW ARE ROYALTIES CALCULATED?

You ARE having a large impact on the recording/movie industry, but not the way you may think. That is why they are going after file sharing. As shown in the above link the recording industry is solely created to leech off of the regular artist indirectly through you, the consumer. So, if you are not giving them your money they will go after anything that prevents this.

Why do you think that every artist with any sense of the truth wants to start their own recording/production company? It's their chance to get one step closer to the real money.

The problem with this is that they become the very thing they despise. Sometimes they realize that they are only able to control their 'art' by reinvesting their own time and money into this process, but they are only perpetuating the disease by becoming part of it. Like a cancer that overwhelms the cells that it comes in contact with.

Whether it's movies or music, you are stealing if you illegally download and I don’t agree with the process. I have downloaded music before and I have used the process to learn if I like a song before purchasing it. But I find that even this process is flawed because I am still feeding money into the parasitic recording industry.

By illegally download music or movies you may think that you can eventually convince the recording/movie industry that what they are doing is wrong but it is unlikely. If all you are doing is illegally downloading products, you will starve out the artist long before you starve the industry to change. The more you illegally download, the more likely you are to stop the true artist from ever creating anything worthwhile.

If you want to have any impact on the recording/movie industries you need to look at the independent artist. This can be difficult with all of the crap that is out there but in the long run it will be worth it. The artist will get a bigger piece of the pie and you will find true art(or something close), not the prepackaged crap that is prevalent on the 'Billboard top 20'.

Stop the parasites... ALL OF THEM!!!